Management software for a giant screen
Management software for a giant screen
Football Club Bulle

Project Overview:
Integration of management software for interactions with a giant stadium screen, enabling seamless and responsive control of game highlights and animations. All visual elements, from scores to replays, are managed through an intuitive dashboard located in the stadium’s control room. This project involved integrating specialized software from a third-party provider, tailored to meet the specific needs of a demanding sports environment. The primary goal was to deliver a dynamic and immersive experience for spectators while simplifying operations for the technical teams.
Our expertise focused on coordinating the various stakeholders, including the software provider and the stadium’s technical teams. Special attention was given to configuring the third-party software to address the project’s specific requirements, ensuring perfect compatibility with existing equipment. The calibration of game highlights and animations was rigorously tested and adjusted to provide smooth transitions and flawless synchronization.
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Experts suisses des technologies de l'information